Paddlepalooza XX
April 27, 2024 @ 6:00 am - 8:00 pm
Sunday, March 31
- Last day to register for guaranteed Paddlepalooza shirt
- Last day for Performance Shirt and Additional Short Sleeve Orders
Monday, April 22
- Registrations between April 22 and April 26 will incur an additional $10.00 late fee.
Friday, April 26
- 6:00pm – Dinner for Anglers & Captain’s Bag pickup
- 7:00pm – Captain’s Meeting
- 8:00pm – Tournament Registration Closes
- 8:00pm til’ – Hangout
Saturday, April 27
- 12:00am – Launch (anytime after midnight)
- 6:00am – Lines in (fishing begins)
- 3:00pm – Weigh in line opens at Bridgeside Marina
- 4:00pm – Weigh in line closes at Bridgeside Marina
- 5:00pm – Dinner
- 5:30pm – Polygraphs for projected winners (must be present at Bridgeside Marina)
- 6:30pm – Awards followed by raffles
- 8:30pm til’ – Hangout
10 percent of the field will be paid out in the slam division
A cajun slam is:
One redfish that must be 16” or longer and UNDER 27”
One speckled trout that must be 13” or longer AND
One flounder that must be 11” or longer
The length requirements above must be met AT THE TIME OF WEIGH IN. Full three fish slams supersede any two fish slams for placement and awards. There will be no culling at the weigh in table. You should have your fish culled before getting to the weigh in table.
Single fish division prizes will be awarded for heaviest overall weight for each species. Prizes will be determined and announced prior to tournament. The minimum prize value for any prize is $50.
STUD RED: Heaviest redfish that is 16″ or longer AND that is LESS than 27″ long. 1st- 5th place will be awarded.
MULE TROUT: Heaviest speckled trout that is 13″ or longer. 1st- 5th place will be awarded.
SADDLE FLOUNDER: Heaviest flounder that is 11″ or longer. 1st- 5th place will be awarded.
LEOPARD RED: Redfish with the most spots. 1st- 5th place will be awarded. NOTE: If any part of the black inner spots is touching then it is counted as a single spot. There must be a break between the black portions for spots to be counted as individual spots.
NOTE: Contestants will be allowed to win only one category (exception for Ladies and Senior Divisions as noted below). The weigh-in team, utilizing our computer software, will determine if your submission will place better in the slam division, a single fish division, or in the leopard red division. An individual angler can submit up to 4 fish – one of each species to enter the slam category and an additional redfish to enter the leopard red category. If an angler’s heaviest redfish is also a multi-spotted redfish, that redfish can be used as best benefits the angler to put him/her in a position to win the biggest single prize for which he/she might be eligible.
SENIOR CAJUN SLAM BONUS: The angler who is 65 years of age or older (on the day of the tournament) who catches the heaviest Cajun Slam wins a bonus prize. This angler also remains eligible to place in any of the regular categories listed above.
LADIES CAJUN SLAM BONUS: The female angler who catches the heaviest Cajun Slam wins a bonus prize. She also remains eligible to place in any of the regular categories listed above.
*FREE KID’S CAJUN SLAM DIVISION: Junior anglers can participate in the Jr. Angler Division for free. An adult who is a paid participant must accompany them. The same rules as our regular Cajun Slam Division apply. Kids age 12 and under who have elected to pay and register to fish the general Cajun Slam will compete at the adult level and will not be eligible to fish the Jr. Angler Division. Kids fishing the Jr. Angler Division are permitted to ride and fish in a kayak with another angler, however any fish caught must be kept separate or clearly and plainly marked so as to make them readily distinguishable from the other anglers catch. Simply put, do not store all the fish in the same ice chest or ice bag unless they are placed on separate stringers or otherwise marked so that each angler can clearly identify his/her catch. Use of different colored zip-ties is a popular method of marking fish.
CAJUN SLAM TOURNAMENT PAYOUT: Prizes may include kayak, gift cards, or cash. $20 of each entry fee will be paid out to the cash prizes. The remainder of each fee pays for expenses related to hosting the event (Dinner for Friday and Saturday, Tournament Shirts, Table and Chair Rentals, etc.) Thanks to our AMAZING sponsors, payouts will be a minimum 100% value payback of entry fees.
*** Any late registered entry fees collected after 11:59 p.m. on Sunday, April 21, 2024 will not be entered into the tournament payouts and will be deposited into the club’s general fund. Late entries will also be subject to an additional $10.00 late fee. ***
1st Place Cajun Slam – 2024 Hobie Outback in Dune Camo
2nd Place Cajun Slam – $2,000 gift card to The Backpacker
3rd Place Cajun Slam – $1,000 gift card to The Backpacker
Remaining Cajun Slam Places (Total 10% of registered anglers) – Cash and prize payouts based on entry fees.
**Minimum value of any prize is $50.
SINGLE FISH CATEGORY PRIZES: Stud Red, Mule Trout, Saddle Flounder, and Leopard Red prizes will be determined prior to the tournament weigh in. (Cash or prize)
SENIOR SLAM PRIZE: $50 monetary value (cash or prize)
LADIES SLAM PRIZE: $50 monetary value (cash or prize)
KID’S DIVISION SLAM PRIZE: $50 monetary value (cash or prize)
Our highly esteemed raffle is returning with LOTS of great stuff to be won! We’re VERY fortunate to have AWESOME sponsors and the raffle table is ALWAYS filled with great prizes. Raffle tickets can be purchased for $5.00 each and will be sold online.
REGISTRATION AND CAPTAINS MEETING: Each contestant should register and pay BEFORE 11:59 PM on Sunday, April 21, 2024. Late registrations will be accepted at the Captain’s Meeting on Friday, April 26, 2024. There will be a $10 late fee. The Captain’s Meeting will begin at 7:00 pm Friday, April 26, 2024 at Bridgeside Marina, Grand Isle, Louisiana. Attendance at the Captain’s Meeting is optional. At the meeting, we will go over the rules, boundaries, restrictions, and whatever concerns we feel should be addressed. Depending upon the availability of our wonderful volunteers, you may also pick up your shirts and captain’s bags that night.
ENTRY FEES: $85 per person for the first 2 members of your immediate family. Each additional dependent can register for the discounted rate of $30 per person. A “dependent” for these purposes includes only those persons that you will claim as dependents on your tax filings for 2024. Please do not abuse this rule. EARLY entry fees include a tournament shirt as well as meals Friday and Saturday. Those who register late will NOT be guaranteed a shirt but we will TRY to accommodate you. Additionally, you can become a BCKFC member for $26 a year per person, or $40 per family household. Please specify size of shirt at the time of registration.
LEGAL FISHING TIME / BOUNDARIES: You may launch at any time but you must not make your first cast until 6:00 AM. You may fish any accessible waters on the LA1 corridor. You may not fish gated areas that other anglers cannot access. You may launch from a private camp, etc… as long as other anglers can launch nearby (Within .5 miles of public launch) and reasonably access and fish the same area.
SIGN IN / WEIGH IN: Weigh-in will be held from 3:00:00 PM until 4:00:00 PM on April 27, 2024 at Bridgeside Marina in Grand Isle, Louisiana. DO NOT BE LATE! You MUST physically appear WITH YOUR FISH and be in line to sign in NO LATER THAN 4:00:00 PM as per cell phone time of the appointed time keeper. Proxy sign-ins are not allowed. Weigh-in will continue until all participants who signed in on time have had their catch weighed. Any fisherman in line to sign in at the weigh-in station before the 4:00:00 PM cut-off time on April 27, 2024 will be allowed to weigh their fish. At 4:00:01, any entrant not in line to sign-in will be considered late and will not be allowed to weigh their catch and will not qualify for any awards. REMINDER: In case of any tie, the earliest sign-in time will be the tie breaker. The sign in / weigh in station will be operational starting at 3:00p.m. Sign-in closes promptly at 4:00p.m. Weigh-in will continue until all participants who signed in on time have had their catch weighed. Any fishermen in line to sign in at the weigh-in station by the 4p.m. cutoff time on April 27, 2024 will be allowed to weigh their fish. There will be no exceptions to this rule. Anglers are strongly urged not to wait until the last minute to sign-in for the weigh-in.
PARTICIPATION AND ELIGIBILITY: Participation is open to anyone 18 years of age or older. Minors are eligible to participate with a parent or legal guardian signature on the release form. All participants represent that they are physically and mentally competent and fit and able to participate. By entering, all participants agree to assume all risks of personal injury, death, and damage to or loss of property and further agree to indemnify and hold BCFKC, its officers, members, agents, and sponsors harmless from and against any and all claims, liabilities, and causes of action resulting directly or indirectly from participation.
FISHING LICENSE: All anglers are required to have a valid Louisiana, Fresh and Salt water Fishing license.
-Watercraft propulsion is restricted to paddle, pedal, or pole.
-Vessel that the manufacturer identifies and sells as a kayak, including inflatable kayaks and modular kayaks, stand-up paddle boards (SUP) and canoes. NO soloskiffs or vessels marketed at skiffs allowed.
-No “homemade” kayaks, sailboats, johnboats, pirogues, coracles, rowboats, dinghies, skiffs, float tubes, inflatable rafts or rigid inflatable boats (e.g., Zodiac), pontoon boats, pontoon-style pond boats, twin-hull watercraft or similar.
-The use of a manual or motorized anchor system is permitted.
-Mother shipping, tethering, holding or any transportation coordination with a non-competitor is strictly prohibited.
-Contestants are allowed to wade fish or fish off the bank but ONLY as long as the angler remains within 100’ of their LAUNCHED paddle craft. Launched means your kayak is partly in fishable water, not a parking lot puddle.
-Anglers who are age 60 or older at the time of event are allowed the use of an electric motor. The Tournament Director must be notified ahead of time if you plan to use a motor. Angler will be required to submit proof of age, kayak and motor type, and registration numbers to be eligible.
-Anglers who have a physical disability and can provide proof of disability may also request a waiver to use an electric motor. The Tournament Director must be notified ahead of time if you plan to use a motor and a waiver must be requested from the board.
-Electric Motor Propelled kayaks must meet the following requirements to be approved:
-Electric motor must be attached to the kayak in a safe manner for operation.
-An electric motor used to propel a watercraft may not exceed the lesser of (a.) manufacturer’s labeled Maximum HP/Thrust Capacity, (b.) 3 HP, or (c.) 155 foot-pound thrust.
-Competitors must comply with all boating regulations pertaining to motorized kayak/electric-propulsion watercraft registration, use, and operating restrictions for the designated fishing area.
-No more than one electric motor may be attached to a kayak regardless of combined horsepower/thrust/power rating.
-Motors with dual props operated by a single power source are permissible as long as the unit is manufactured and sold as a single unit.
-Vessel must be 9’ minimum and shorter than 18’.
-Vessel that the manufacturer identifies and sells as a kayak, including inflatable kayaks and modular kayaks, Standup paddleboards (SUP) and Canoes. NO soloskiffs or vessels marketed at skiffs allowed.
-Other watercraft specifically approved as exceptions in advance of competition by the BCKFC Board
-Catamaran style personal fishing vessels complying with all other regulations will be eligible.
-No “Homemade” Kayaks, Sailboats, Jon boats, pirogues, coracles, rowboats, dinghies, skiffs, float tubes, inflatable rafts, or rigid inflatable boats (e.g., Zodiac), pontoon boats, pontoon-style pond boats, twin-hull watercraft, or similar.
-Mothershipping, tethering/holding, or any transportation coordination with competitors or non-competitors is strictly prohibited.
-By officially entering, contestants agree to submit their kayak to an inspection by BCKFC personnel.
PRIVATE LAUNCHES & PRIVATE FISHING AREAS: Anglers must launch from publicly accessible launch locations. There is an exception that an angler may launch from private property as long as it is not further than ½ mile from the nearest publicly accessible launch location. Combat launches are allowed so long as all anglers have the legal right to launch from that location. Fishing behind gated areas of the marsh is not allowed unless the angler has arranged for all other participants to also fish the area that day AND has made that possibility known to all by posting appropriate information on our forums at least one week in advance.
WATER COURTESY / ENCROACHMENT: Do your best not to disturb someone else’s fishing area, by encroachment, or noise. An angler officially establishes his/her fishing area by having their craft anchored in place. If you come upon an angler in an egress area, as quietly as you can, ask which side he or she would like you to cross at. A good rule of thumb is that if you can both cast to a common point you’re too close. Respect others and use the golden rule.
PROTESTS: All protests must be written and submitted electronically (text/email/direct message from social media) within 30 minutes of the conclusion of “weigh in” to be considered. The tournament director is the final authority on deciding the merits/outcomes of a protest. All anglers are encouraged to report cheating.
CHEATING/FOUL PLAY: All anglers are encouraged to report violations. Cheating and contest fraud in a fishing tournament is a felony crime in the state of Louisiana. Bayou Coast will enforce a zero-tolerance policy with regard to cheating.
POLYGRAPH EXAMINATION: All participants, by signing up, agree to take a polygraph examination if requested. Any participant can be asked to submit to a polygraph examination. No explanation shall be required from the hosts of the tournament as to why a specific individual is asked to submit to a polygraph examination. Refusal to submit to or failure of a polygraph examination will result in disqualification from the tournament, forfeiture of any and all prizes / awards, and potential banishment from all future Bayou Coast events. No refunds for tournament fees will be granted for person(s) refusing to submit to or failing a polygraph examination.
RELEASE OF LIABILITY AND COVENANT NOT TO SUE: A waiver, release of liability, and covenant not to sue are part of the entry form. It is required that all contestants take responsibility for themselves while participating in event activities. Please DO NOT let your competitive nature push you into doing dangerous things. You must agree to the Waiver to participate. The Waiver is in the online registration page linked below. BE SAFE, BE SEEN, AND WEAR YOUR PFD!
DEPTH FINDERS: Depth finders / fish finders are allowed.
COMMUNICATION: No electronic communication with non-registered anglers during tournament hours, unless not fishing related (your spouse/kids, work, etc). No pre-arranged coordination with any non-registered anglers on the water for the purpose of scouting or locating fish during tournament hours.
PFD REQUIREMENT: You must properly wear a U.S. Coast Guard approved PFD while afloat in your watercraft during all Bayou Coast events. PFD’s must be worn outside of the angler’s outermost layer of clothing. Failure to comply with this rule during competition could result in disqualification from the tournament. Disqualification will be determined by the Tournament Director based on investigation of any specific incident. PFD’s may only be briefly removed on the water for the purpose of adding, removing, or adjusting clothing while an angler is stationary and not actively fishing.
RULE CHANGES: Interpretation of rules is exclusively left to the Tournament Directors and Bayou Coast Officers. The decisions of this group are final in all matters and are not subject to appeal. Please do your part in not providing a reason to place them in a position where they must make rulings, decisions, etc. Keep it simple, keep it clean, and when in doubt…do the right thing.
LEGAL TACKLE / BAIT: Artificial, live, and dead bait are allowed. Scent infused baits such as Gulp, etc… are legal. Scented dips, dyes and sprays such as Bang attractant, Pro-Cure, Dip-n-Glo, etc… are legal. Chum is not allowed. All fish must be caught in a sporting manner using a rod and reel setup. Trolling, and the use of up to 2 setups at a time is allowed. Trot lines, jug lines, traps, etc. are not allowed.
LEGAL FISH: Each participant must catch their own fish. You may not give fish to another participant. You may not net a fish for another (adult) participant. Youths should hook and retrieve their own catch. A parent/guardian may net fish for them and may handle the fish once it is netted (including pictures in CPS events). In CPS events, anglers (participant or not) may not aid in taking pictures of fish in any way.
Culling of dead fish while on the water is not allowed. Current Louisiana law only allows anglers to possess two speckled trout over 20.00”.
PRESERVATION of FISH: For weigh in events, “Air drying” of fish or the tails of redfish is NOT allowed. All parts of all fish should be placed on ice and maintained for freshness. Fish will only be accepted for the weigh-in if they are in a cooler bag, ice chest or other appropriate container that also contains ice. The entire fish should be in the container. Do not appear at the weigh-in with fish that are on a stringer and are not iced in a proper container or bag.
Salt may not be added to fish bags.
Only authorized persons will be allowed in the weigh-in station. Please try not to distract these volunteers while they go about their tasks. Weighed / Entered fish may or may not be returned as per the weigh-master’s discretion. The largest fish will be determined by weight. In the event of a tie, the first contestant to have signed in will be considered the winner while the other contestant will be dropped to the next position.
Fish will be bent, loosened and manipulated before being measured with a pinched tail. Tails of trout and flounder will be manually pinched to obtain maximum length as per the instructions found in the Louisiana Fishing Regulations, 2024 pamphlet. Tails of larger redfish will be pinched using the standardized tool attached to the measuring board, which, if needed and used, will be moved to the 26.5” line to pinch the tail of larger redfish.
DRONE/UAS USAGE: Tournament participants are not allowed to use unmanned aircraft systems (drones) during the tournament day to scout for fish, spy on other anglers, or any other means that may be viewed as benefiting/advancing their fishing.
WEATHER: Tournament days may be shortened or canceled due to unsafe weather or water conditions. The decision to shorten or to cancel will be left totally to the discretion of the Tournament Director. A 4-hour period shall constitute a day of fishing.
REFUND POLICY: There will be no refunds available. Should the event date change for any reason, an announcement will be made, and a refund grace period allowed for anglers who cannot make the new date.